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can you mix cbd and alcohol

Can You Mix CBD and Alcohol?

There are many people wanting to find out whether CBD and alcohol are substances that should be mixed with each other or not. And, how they impact one another. These are a few typical questions that people ask:

  • Can I take CBD and alcohol at the same time?
  • Is it okay to drink alcohol if I am taking CBD on a regular basis?
  • Is CBD oil an alternative to alcohol?
  • Can CBD help with my alcohol addiction?
  • What happens when you mix CBD with alcohol?

Let us first take a look at the two substances and how they react with our bodies.

What Exactly Is CBD?

Cannabidiol, popularly known as CBD, is a naturally found compound in the cannabis plant. It is important to understand that our body produces cannabinoids in our sleep. Moreover, ingesting CBD in the form of oil or capsules can help in various other ways too.

CBD oil is regularly used by millions of people as a food supplement to adopt a healthy lifestyle. You can find CBD in many different forms like oils, body creams, lip balms, bath soaks, protein bars, and more.

CBD oil helps the endocannabinoid system to work more subtly. CBD binds with the endocannabinoid system and helps your body to maintain a stable internal state regardless of changes in your outer environment.

Just like any other cannabinoid compound, CBD does not form a part of our regular diet, so it can be used as a supplement to help your endocannabinoid system work its best.

CBD and Alcohol

Alcohol is a toxin that people generally look up to for relaxation. It has both positive and negative impacts on our central and nervous system.

It depends on the amount of alcohol you intake. Small amounts of alcohol can provide health benefits but the more alcohol you consume, the more damage you incur to your nervous system.

There hasn’t been much research on the two substances together but there is a common understanding that CBD oil and alcohol do not react with each other.

Since there hasn’t been any successful research about the relationship between CBD and alcohol, both substances should be taken in a moderate amount.

Because even though there is minimal evidence of the two’s impacts on each other, there has been plenty of evidence that excess CBD and alcohol may cause a problem with your sleep!

Does CBD Oil React With Alcohol?

CBD and alcohol are deemed safe for consumption when taken within limits. There is very little research on the impact of the two taken together. Alcohol can reduce your brain stimulation while CBD can help you relax and bring a sense of calm.

There have been concerns that CBD and alcohol can intensify the individual effects of both the substances and lead to drowsiness or changes in the behaviour of the consumer. You should be cautious with the intake of alcohol and CBD to avoid having a huge impact on your body.

If you insist on taking CBD oil and alcohol together then make sure that you are taking both in moderation.

What About Alcohol With CBD Induced in It?

CBD oil and its known benefits have surged in popularity in recent years. This has been extensively used to create different types of ingestible products such as cocktails, sweets, and treats.

Taking advantage of the unknown entities surrounding alcohol and CBD, many businesses have combined the two substances to create beer and cocktails with CBD. But the question remains the same – whether it would have any adverse effects on individuals.

Just like with any other new products, we recommend caution before you try it especially if you are sensitive or have allergies.

CBD as an Alternative For Alcohol

CBD is extracted from hemp plants because of which it does not give you the feeling of being ‘high’. People generally use THC for recreational purposes or as an alternative to relaxing. Drinking alcohol is a bit different and CBD does not give you the same effect but it does help you relax.

CBD can be an alternative for alcohol if you are taking alcohol for the following reasons:

  • If you drink alcohol to get a good night’s sleep, then CBD can surely be an alternative for you. It has shown promise in helping people with insomnia.
  • People generally look up to alcohol to battle stress and anxiety. But alcohol is just a temporary escape. CBD is known to help with stress and anxiety issues much better than alcohol.

Can CBD Help With Alcohol Addiction?

CBD is widely used in managing alcohol addiction. It can have a positive impact on addiction including smoking and drinking. The impact of taking both substances is still under-researched so take any of them in moderation.

Instead of taking CBD-infused beers and wines, take CBD oil because it will ensure maximum absorption in the body.

Can CBD Oil and Alcohol Be Taken At The Same Time?

People generally mix CBD oil in their alcohol but it is not advised to do so. The better way to take CBD oil is by placing 3-4 drops of it under your tongue and leaving it there for at least 60 seconds. This will allow proper absorption of CBD into your body.

If you are new to CBD, you should consult your GP first for any concerns that you may come across. Taking alcohol may induce cell damage and CBD intake can actually protect your body from that damage. So you could use CBD oil to balance your lifestyle if you enjoy a drink regularly.

Again, do not consume the two substances in high doses, or else you will feel drowsy.

Should You Take CBD Oil and Alcohol on a Daily Basis?

If you are a daily user of CBD oil and alcohol, then you must be careful of how it affects your body. You should make an informed decision on the amount of alcohol that you intake. Alcohol damages your cells so it should always be taken in moderation.

CBD on the other hand is advised to be taken 2 or 3 times a day for better results. CBD oil should be taken on a regular basis for the maximum benefit.

Final Thoughts

There hasn’t been much research on the impact of CBD oil and alcohol being taken together. Everyone has a different tolerance level.

You know what is good for you and what will impact your body in an adverse way. A regular drinker might not feel anything after an entire bottle of wine while an occasional drinker might feel tipsy after two glasses!

Similarly, the intake of CBD and alcohol depends on the way your body reacts to substances like these. If you are concerned for your health, then minimise the intake of alcohol and replace it with CBD oil.

Refrain from using any of the two if you are unsure of the effects of alcohol and CBD.

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