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cbd oil side effects

What are CBD Oil Side Effects

What are CBD Oil Side Effects

Although it is usually considered very safe, the usage of CBD oil can have some unwanted effects.

The most common are:

  1. Dry mouth
  2. Nausea
  3. Diarrhea
  4. Drowsiness
  5. Loss of appetite

Also, some reports claim that it can cause liver injury.

Is CBD that dangerous?

Let’s find out more details about all this.

When could the side effects of CBD oil occur?

CBD oil is usually fine in small doses.

The majority of side effects occurred when the amounts of it taken were much higher than recommended. The most common conditions like dizziness, nausea, or other stomach problems, are usually light and not durable. One of the reasons for the emergence of unwanted reactions can be the purity of the product itself.

CBD oil can be extracted in various ways, and not every production process is delivering a high-quality product. One of the problems can be unreliable percentages of cannabinoids in the product. The oil can have more THC than it claims, therefore it can cause different effects than expected.

Anyway, the quality of the product is one of the most important things that you should pay attention to when buying CBD oil.

Recommended dosages vary between the persons.

Some factors that should always be considered are body weight, the reason for using CBD, and the concentration of the product.

What dosage of CBD is considered too high, you may wonder?

The amount of CBD oil that is safe to take depends on the type of product. There are various products with CBD, besides oil.

It can come in the form of capsules, nasal sprays, and even gummy bears. The particular dosage varies from product to product, and if it’s not clearly stated in the product description, then it’s not a reliable product. You should always know what you are buying and using. Especially with things such as CBD oil, which is still under research.

Still, you can find CBD products from reliable sources and with a high level of purity. Some products are approved by relevant authorities and can be easily bought on the market.

Nevertheless, there are some more questions that you should consider.

Who shouldn’t take CBD oil?

Even if you have access to high-quality reliable CBD products, it could still not be for you.

The side effects can occur if your body is not suitable to take it. For example, one of the most serious risks to some people using CBD is liver damage. CBD oil may increase liver enzymes, and some studies showed the connection between the usage of high doses of CBD and liver injury.

People who have liver problems, and general gastrointestinal issues, should be very careful with the usage of these products. One of the studies showed that taking high doses of cannabidiol can have a negative effect on people with some conditions such as Parkinson’s disease. It might make muscle movement and tremors worse.

It is recommended to always consult a doctor before using CBD products. Your medical history is very important for predicting possible effects of it. Bodies can have different responses, especially with high doses.

CBD oil is not recommended to pregnant and breastfeeding women. Some studies showed that it could be a risk for a baby’s development, although the details of the possible effects are still unknown.

Even if you are a healthy, non-pregnant, strong person, it is not advisable to underestimate the risks. Although CBD oil is ruled as safe by the World Health Organization, most experts recommend using it under the doctor’s supervision.

CBD can interact with medications, so be careful!

Studies showed that CBD can interfere with some medications that you take.

There is a potential interaction of CBD with some antiarrhythmic drugs, medications for treating epilepsy, antifungal drugs, antipsychotic drugs, painkillers, and many more. CBD may either increase the toxicity or decrease the effectiveness of these drugs.

If you are on therapy and using any kind of medication, it is highly recommended to consult your healthcare professional before taking CBD.

Even if you take only herbal medications or non-prescription drugs, you should better check the possible risks.

Also, CBD can interact with psychoactive drugs and alcohol, and funny but possible – grapefruit juice.

The thing is that grapefruit juice can influence the absorption of some medications. It seems like it’s the case with CBD oil too. Disturbed absorption can lead to an unbalanced level of the substance in your body.

There are still no certain and well-established findings of all the features of CBD, and preliminary studies were done with extremely high doses. Nevertheless, the possible risks should be considered.

Some studies on animals showed more serious risks such as developmental toxicity, embryo-fetal mortality, reduction of spermatozoids, male reproductive system changes, and hypertension. But, the dosage of CBD used in this research was much higher than recommended for humans. Future studies will hopefully make things more clear.

The safety of using any CBD product depends on many factors

In conclusion of the topic, we would say that you should ask your doctor about the answer should you take CBD oil or not.

Although science still didn’t answer all the questions about CBD, given the potential risks, it’s still a better option to take it under medical supervision than in your own hands. The negative reaction to CBD oil is often caused by other substances of the products. Given its rise in popularity of it, many producers of CBD are growing like mushrooms after the rain.

Not all of them are offering pure products, free from other chemicals and additives. Many of them are not displaying a true percentage of substance concentration. Also, you will not always find the right info about the dosage, possible side effects, and interactions of the product.

In the sea of different manufacturers of various CBD products, you need to search carefully for a safe and quality source. And most importantly, it is good if you make sure that your body is suitable for it like should be the case with taking any medication, chemical or natural.

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