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CBD Oil for Eczema

CBD Oil for Eczema: Can CBD Help Treat Eczema?

In recent years CBD oils have been gaining attention as a modern solution in the beauty and healthcare industry. Due to its many beneficial properties, researchers have questioned its effectiveness on skin conditions such as eczema, atopic dermatitis.

It is still not considered a cure for eczema, but due to its anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, and lipostatic properties, it can improve your current skin condition and soothe symptoms of eczema.

What is CBD, and why do people use it?

Cannabidiol or cannabis oil is an extract found in the cannabis plant. It is one of the approximately 80 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. The most well-known cannabidiol is THC; however, CBD and THC are not the same.

THC is a psychoactive compound in cannabis that produces the high feeling when a person consumes it. CBD does not cause this effect, and it is used mainly for pain relief.

CBD has been effective when it comes to lowering anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress and regulates immune system function. CBD has also shown its effectiveness with severe medical conditions such as Crohn’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, Huntington’s disease, and various forms of cancer.

CBD oil for eczema and other skin conditions

Eczema is a skin condition where the skin barrier is not working properly, leading to dehydration and inflammation. The skin feels itchy, dry, and flaky.

Eczema can be caused by genetics or some allergy-causing ingredients. CBD for eczema and other skin conditions is still an unexplored area of research. However, due to some properties of CBD, many have tried using it to cure their skin condition. It has antiproliferative, lipostatic, and anti-inflammatory properties that may help the affected area of the skin.

Also, by consuming CBD oils, we benefit our endocannabinoid system, and this system is interconnected with the skin. Skin conditions like eczema are characterized by dry skin, so cosmetics with CBD oil are considered to benefit it.

CBD products are full of PUFAs, which are known to have anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce itching- one of the main problems of skin conditions. CBD is still not considered a cure for eczema and other skin conditions because there haven’t been enough tests and analyses to state that.

People who have tried using CBD for this purpose either say that it helped them a lot or did not affect them. Either way, people are willing to try CBD because it is a natural, non-addictive product that can’t do you any harm.

How to choose the right product for your skin condition?

CBD comes in different forms such as:

There is still not enough research to state which of these forms of CBD is the most effective when it comes to skin conditions. However, creams are considered the most fruitful because you apply the product directly to the problematic area.

Also, CBD creams are usually combined with other ingredients such as coconut oil, shea butter, and beeswax, which are also successful for combating skin conditions. People usually choose the form which is available and most suitable for their needs.

Carefully read the instructions and the ingredients of some products because they may contain some substance that can cause an allergic reaction.

How to apply CBD oil on skin?

It is best to follow the guidelines directly from the product’s manufacturer.

  • If you are using a cream, you should apply it directly to the affected area. Repeat the procedure once a day.
  • Don’t apply to broken skin.
  • Start small, then increase your dosage so that you can be aware of the proper dosage for your condition.
  • Apply the product every day so that you can keep track of your results.

Don’t worry about too much use; there are no severe side- effects, but there is no need to waste the product. You can also place a drop of CBD oil under your tongue or mix it with other creams or lotions if your product is not in the form of a cream.

Side effects of using CBD

Even though there are no fatal side effects of taking CBD oil directly into your mouth, you should be aware of some possible side effects that may occur.

Possible side effects of using CBD products are :

  • diarrhea
  • drowsiness
  • dizziness

Also, CBD is not compatible with some medications such as blood thinners. These side effects should not occur when using a CBD cream, but consult your doctor if you have some symptoms mentioned above.

CBD Cream for eczema and other skin conditions- final words

Eczema is known as a skin condition that causes itchiness, inflammation, and dry skin. The topic of CBD oil is relatively new, and we don’t have a lot of proof for its effect on Eczema and similar skin conditions. However, there is enough research done to indicate that CBD oil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are known to be beneficial for various skin conditions.

CBD also doesn’t interfere with the sebaceous glands; in fact, it helps them by producing even more sebum that moisturizes your skin. Full-spectrum CBD is considered the best because it contains all the minerals, terpenes, and acids that benefit your endocannabinoid system. By using full-spectrum CBD oil, you will treat yourself with all of the benefits of the Cannabis plant.

Are you having second thoughts about trying CBD for the first time? If you are not certain about trying isolated CBD oil, you can start with creams that, besides CBD, have other ingredients such as CBD with shea butter, coconut oil etc.

It can be said for sure that you have nothing to lose by trying CBD for your skin; it won’t make it worse, the least it can do is reduce itching. Always check the ingredients before buying a CBD product because some may contain some components that can cause an allergic reaction or other unwanted side effects.

Research on CBD oils is still being done daily,  CBD oil can’t be called a cure for Eczema and other skin conditions yet, but the consumers have noticed positive outcomes.

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