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can you drive on cbd

Can you drive on CBD oil in the UK?

The law in the UK forbids driving on drugs, and Cannabis is included in the list. However, driving on CBD oil is legal in the UK since it doesn’t contain intoxicating substances such as THC.

Therefore, taking CBD oil and driving in the UK is legal.

The Legality of CBD oil While Driving

Using CBD oil while driving is not a simple matter. Not every CBD product has the same quality and ingredients ratio.

The drug test for CBD doesn’t exist. But, there is a risk that your CBD oil has more than the acceptable amounts of THC.

Can CBD be traceable on the drug test?

CBD oil can contain some THC. That would make you positive for the THC but not for CBD.

Anyway, explaining to the police officer the difference between CBD and THC and how you didn’t know that your oil was contaminated doesn’t sound appealing, right? If you get stopped by the police, they may ask you to do a ‘field impairment test’ or complete a roadside drug screening kit.

The maximum level of THC permitted while driving is 2 mg per liter of blood (2ug). If they find more than this in your blood, you could get a 12-month driving disqualification.

How come THC can appear in CBD oil?

As mentioned above, your CBD oil can contain some THC. First, you need to check the level of THC compound in your oil.
In the CBD extraction process, there could be some leftovers of THC in the CBD oil. That’s why the law regulating the legality of CBD states the minimum amount of THC which can be permitted in the CBD oil.

What is the limit of THC that CBD oil can legally contain?

In August 2019, the limit of THC allowed in CBD products changed from “1 mg per pack” to “No THC (recommended limit of detection: 0.01%).” That means that not all CBD oils are legal to use, especially while driving.

However, if you buy it legally in the UK from a reliable producer and ingredients clearly stated on the packaging, you shouldn’t face any problems legally.

But, apart from legality, what about the effect of CBD, and could it influence your ability to drive?

Even if it’s legal, it doesn’t mean it will not affect your driving abilities.

How does CBD oil affect the body?

Although CBD is known as pretty much safe, its effect can vary from person to person.

When you ingest CBD oil, its component Cannabidiol affects your endocannabinoid system. This system is responsible for some bodily functions, mainly the nervous system.

CBD affects it in the way it relaxes us, and that’s why it could be a helpful thing for insomnia, anxiety, stress and some nervous system diseases.

However, CBD oil can have some side effects.

Side effects of CBD oil

Side effects are not happening often, and usually, they are very mild. But, you should be aware of it.

Some studies showed these possible side effects:

  • dry mouth
  • low blood pressure
  • lightheadedness
  • drowsiness
  • nausea

The side effects usually occur in high dosages, but not everybody reacts the same.

The possible correlation of Taking CBD oil and driving

There is a possibility that you can feel sleepy, and your blood pressure can be lower after taking CBD oil. That could affect your ability to drive. Sleepiness can lead to a lack of focus and slow down your reflexes. That could be dangerous while driving.

The question “Can you drive on CBD oil in the UK?” is not getting a straightforward answer.

Given the possible troubles mention before, there are some concerns and important steps to take care of before using CBD and driving.

Let’s see how it’s possible to make driving on CBD oil safer.

How to prevent negative outcome during the usage of CBD oil While driving

If you choose to use CBD oil for treating some health condition or just for relaxation, and you still want to drive, here are some tips to avoid possible troubles mentioned above.

Choose the CBD product wisely

To prevent problems with the law due to the transgression of the THC limit in your body, pay attention when buying CBD oil. The plant itself and the extraction process play the main role in the purity of CBD products.

Make sure that the ingredients of the product that you are buying are clearly stated on the packaging. That is also important for the legality of possession of the product itself. If the level of THC is noted on the product packaging, and it goes below the maximum amount permitted, there shouldn’t be any problems.

Always do good research about the brand you are willing to buy the products from, and get to know the basics of CBD products’ features.

Learn how your body reacts to CBD

That is the most important thing to do, either you drive or not. Each body is unique, and the effects and side effects of CBD oil usage can vary from person to person. Before the use of CBD and driving, try the product in a safe environment.

Give some time to learn how CBD is affecting your body
If the side effects show up, you should get to know them before driving.

Consult your doctor before taking CBD

Besides the most common side effects, CBD can also interact with some of your medications. It’s not important if it’s not prescription medicine or if it’s only a natural supplement.

The interactions are possible. Also, some studies showed a possible correlation between CBD oil and liver damage since it’s inhibiting some live enzymes. The best way to prevent the negative outcome of using CBD oil and driving is to talk with your doctor about it.

Since CBD is legal, you can talk freely with doctors about it. They could know better than you if it’s safe to use CBD oil in your condition.

Even if you are not driving, it is advised to take CBD oil under medical supervision.

CBD and driving – the conclusion about safety and legality

Let’s sum up the question if CBD oil is legal and safe to use while driving.

Is it legal to drive if you consume CBD oil?

Yes, if the oil didn’t have more THC level than permitted. Different countries have different regulations about this.

Driving in the UK, by the new law, the allowable amount of THC is “No THC (recommended limit of detection: 0.01%)”.

Is it safe to use CBD oil and drive?

Mostly yes, if your body reacts to it in the right way. One of the side effects of CBD can be drowsiness which can lead to decreased focus while driving.

Make sure to get to know your body’s reaction to CBD products before driving, and talk with your doctor about it.

CBD and driving – the final verdict

Generally speaking,  CBD oil usage is safe for usage while driving if you have a trusted and legal product. If you make the required steps to have and consume the safe product in a way that will not harm you, you shouldn’t have problems.

It depends on you to take all the necessary precautions, and also there is the responsibility of companies which produce CBD to deliver safe and quality product.

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