In the UK it is legal to buy cannabis and from a variety of ranges to choose from things can get a bit tricky.
While buying Cannabis you need to keep in mind certain things but certainly, the most important question should be is it legal to buy cannabis seeds in the UK? Moreover, you need to understand the type of cannabis seeds, places where you can find them, and understand the other legal aspects as well.
So in this article, we will be looking out at the things that you need to look at before you buy cannabis seeds legally in the UK.
Buy Cannabis Seeds From Reputable Retailers
Buying cannabis can be a difficult task. This is because a lot of fake products are available in the market. Hence, always make sure that you are not buying sub-quality products that are doing rounds in the market. There are a few simple steps that you need to follow before buying cannabis seeds.
It is a good practice to know about what type of CBD you are purchasing and the benefits that you are going to get from it. By doing proper research, the probability of landing up with the wrong product is less.
Know About The Legalities of Cannabis Seeds
This is a known fact that cannabis hasn’t been legalized in many parts of the country. Therefore, it is necessary for you to make sure that the part where you are residing allows the consumption of CBD oil.
After all, you wouldn’t want to get into any act of violation!
Look At The Options
So instead of just looking at one single type of cannabis, go ahead and explore the options that are available to you. There are high chance that the variant that you are looking for might not be available easily. So instead of just buying a lower version of that, go ahead and explore the options.
Prefer A Well-Known Seller
In today’s world market is flooded with duplicate products. You need to be cautious that you do not end up buying seeds that are of inferior quality. Therefore, we advise you to do a check of the supplier from whom you are planning to source the cannabis seeds.
Safe Delivery
As the cannabis seeds can be quite expensive you wouldn’t want to lose them or get them delivered in a poor state. Hence, it is better to ensure that the delivery is done with utmost care and caution.
Quality Of Cannabis Seeds
Although Cannabis has gained popularity recently, the fact that it was even used before that can’t be ignored. Therefore, before you order, make sure that you are aware of the five oldest strains as it might help you understand all the variant and their uses more properly.
Hindu Kush
The name has been derived from the mountainous area that lies between Afghanistan and Pakistan. It has been cultivated for thousands of years and has got the pleasant smell of sandalwood and sweet earth.
If you are someone who prefers a strong smell then you are surely going to like the Nepalese strain. This variant is known for its strong pungent smell, calming and relaxing effects like that of an Indica but the growth structure is that of a Sativa.
As per research, Afghani cannabis is the oldest variant to exist. This form of cannabis is known for the amount of resin that it extracts. The aroma of this variant can be best described as the earthy smell along with the pine.
Thai is the slowest yielding cannabis. However, this cannabis has given rise to other known cannabis like Kush and juicy fruit.
For those who like the fruity smell, Thai is the best variant to look out for!
Aceh has got its name from its area of origin that is Indonesia. This cannabis is a pure Sativa and has got an earthy taste with a hint of lemon and mango.
Types Of Cannabis Seeds
There are a lot of things to be considered when you want to buy seeds including the presence of THC in each type.
Let’s have a look at some of the most common types of seeds that are easily available in the market.
These are those seeds that aren’t altered in any manner. That is to say that they are genetically pure and have 50/50 female and male plants.
These plants have a different working mechanism as compared to other plants. Unlike the usual plants, they have no relation to the amount of sunlight that they are exposed to. They start to flower only after they reach a certain age.
These cannabis seeds are modified to yield only female plants. The success rate in this modification is around ninety-nine percent.
These seeds are a mix of Sativa and Indica and the composition of each of them depends upon the proportions of various elements. The major advantage of each cross-breeding is that the effects and benefits can be curated.
For instance, some strains contain more THC and fewer cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids.
The Strains Of Cannabis Seeds
By now you must be aware of fact that a variety of cannabis seeds are available. Let’s have a look at the two most popular types of cannabis seeds.
High THC
THC, the element that has the effect of creating the feeling of “high” is available in abundance everywhere. So if you are looking fr a product with high-quality THC, it won’t be a problem at all.
However, before you buy the product, make sure that you do some research about the supplier.
High CBD
The next variant is the one with high content of CBD and a negligible amount of THC. So for people who are looking for relief from pain either physical or mental, without getting high, CBD oil is the element for you.
Law Regarding Purchase And Sale Of Cannabis Seeds
You wouldn’t want to violate any law and hence it is necessary to know about the law that exists for Cannabis seeds. It is completely legal buying and selling cannabis seeds. However, it is illegal to plant or attempt to plant from the cannabis seeds.
Final Thoughts
We hope that this guide has provided you with all the information that you need to know before buying Cannabis seeds in the UK. In case you have any doubts regarding the same, it is always a good idea to do thorough research about it.